D53_Finnieston Crane, SECC


Every year we plan and organise special fundraising events to help us raise much needed funds to buy new equipment and resources to provide new experiences and help the children to learn in new, fun and imaginative ways.


Recently we have raised money to:


– Buy new equipment for our play area,

– Purchased a new system to allow us to have an online presence enabling us to keep everybody informed.

– Provide materials and equipment for activities for the children,

– New mats for our quiet room and main school room to provide comfort to the children when playing on the floor.

– New door mats to ensure our After-school club stay clean during the winter months.


If You can help us to raise funds please contact us – charity cycle ride, walks, coffee mornings anyway you can help the ensured future of BOSS and CCOSS would be most helpful to our childrens future.